Amuseables Rose Bouquet


Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the floral gift that keeps on giving. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail are wrapped up in beige linen. Tied with a ribbon and wearing an embroidered smile, this wrap has fine cord arms wide for thorn-free cuddles.

Dimensions: 30cm x 17cm x 6cm
Sitting Height: 30cm
Main Materials: Polyester, Linen
Inner Filling: Polyester Fibres, PE Beans
Embroidered Eye

Care Instructions: Sponge clean only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
Safety Recommendations: Please do not leave in a cot/crib due to its size, Suitable from birth
Tested to and complies with EN71, ASTM, and ISO 8124

Ireland (including Northern Ireland) - €7
United Kingdom - €16 **
Europe from €13.50
Rest of World from €22 **
** All applicable import duties are to be paid by the customer upon receipt.

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Our Dun Laoghaire store is open Monday – Saturday 9.30 – 17.00.

The Little Wooden Peg
55 George's Street Upper
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
A96 DK26

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